Thursday, August 14, 2008

Set List 08/03/08

This week's worship set was a lot of fun, but much different than norm.

As we're currently in our "Where it all began" series looking at where the church has come from and where it's going we decided to do some hymns... mind you not in the normal fashion.

Tom did an amazing job leading worship and the band was just wow... I've gotten a lot of good feedback about this and everyone enjoyed Tom's arrangements of Saved/Nothing but the Blood and Pow'r in the Blood.


Saved (Dylan/Third Day)

Nothing but the Blood (Traditional?) - Tagged into Saved and wow did it work.

Pow'r in the Blood (Traditional?) - Mind you our version was not the typical it was... funky? Jazzy?.... I'll have to see if the mixdown turned out ok becuase I WANT a copy of this!

How Deep the Father's Love (Stuart Townend) - am amazing worship song.

God of this City (Andrew McCann, Boyd Aaron, Ian Jordan, Peter Comfort, , Peter Kernaghan, Richard Bleakley... We did the Passion'08 arrangement of the song) - Again the theme for our series, this's week version was a bit more grooving than last weeks (of course last week was an acoustic set).

Band this week was: Tom, Ronnie, Bill, Elizabeth, Dave and Leigh on vocals (Who did an awesome job!)

Broken Gear List was: Nothing! but one pair of my Weckl sticks has just about had it.

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