Monday, June 2, 2008

Set List 06/01/08

Did I miss a week? whoops, with all the excitement of memorial day weekend (read, I slept in on Monday and lazed about the whole day) I forgot to post last week's set list. Sorry.

(Side Note: I do understand that Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor our nation's fallen heroes. And trust me that is not something I take lightly... I still can't read through any volume of the CMOH awards without choking up, however the fact remains that I slept in).

So moving right along to this past week.

Wow, Our last week at Parkside Elementary (until perhaps we go multi-site, but that's a whole new pack o'picks) we wanted to go out with a bang so we (the creative team) had Pastor agree (by the way, for the official record I have no idea who would do this to his office) to put the worship set at the end.

Why you may ask?

So we could end with worship, Steve Fee's "We Shine" to be exact. We wanted to end in a huge celebratory feeling. We rented 2 confetti cannons and set up several hundred balloons to fall... (side note: I assume that's where the balloons used in this came from... I would also like to point out that I was there tearing down until the very end and I drive a compact car that would not have even remotely held that kind of number of balloons).

Well apparently Northpoint wasn't the only ones going through issues this week (see Reid's post here). As I was having in-ear issues. Perhaps Murphy reared his head, or perhaps God wanted to remind us to focus on him and not on the celebration of a building, or perhaps He does indeed have a sense of humor... I'm not sure, (personally though I think the focus, at least for us on stage was worship... the fact that I played my heart and and was ready to collapse at the end attests to that fact) but we never did get the blasted cannons to work during the service... they worked AFTER the service when we tested them, just not DURING the service. (Yes, we do know what went wrong, I take responsibility because I'm the one who knew how to connect them and didn't do it). Neither did the balloon drop work first service.

The balloons did fall for second service and the effect was awesome!

Set list:

Salvation's Chorus (Todd Fields, from the new Northpoint Live Album "Louder Than Creation")

Let Me Sing (See Above)... Technically we didn't perform this song, we played it behind a video, but I want to bring it into worship rotation soon (it's AMAZING worship!) so this was a great way to introduce it.

Salvation's Chorus (We did it Again, at this point I think people had learned it and joined in more on it). This song has quickly become one of my favorite fast (tempo) worship songs. The second chorus which is the one that gets echoed is almost a cheer, but I love these lyrics, "Weary ones join in the song, Amazing Grace has found us here, Son of God King Jesus Reigns, Praise his Name, Shout and sing, Holy One, King of Kings, By His Grace, we are free, no more shame, praise His name" And we'll be seeing a lot more of it, trust me...

Mighty to Save (Hillsong, "Mighty to Save") Mighty to save is just a powerful worship anthem, it's one of our worship songs that we consider a heavy hitter, want people to feel worship? pull out Mighty to Save, (gee that sounds kind of cheesy). It has long been nearly everyone on staff's favorite worship song, and was just awesome to do. (Side note, expect a few new worship songs that I feel will have the same effect coming out in the not to distant future... if you have the Louder Then Creation album tracks 3, 4, 5, but especially number 11), No I'm not getting rid of Mighty to Save, I'm just saying that these new songs are POWERFUL worship.

Finally We Shine (Fee, "Fee" also "Northpoint Live Volume 1").
We (Meaning Jeremy and myself, Bill too I think) Have been wanting to do this song for nearly 2 years. It's a hard hitting fast past declaration that's more shouted then sung (at least for the chorus). Josh made an amazing video to go with it instead of the normal mouse clicking done in pro-presenter so it synced perfectly (used a click track). I've seen them (Northpoint/Fee) do this song live and they play it with eigths, on the CD it's 16ths... guess which one I chose to copy? Yeah... my arms felt like rubber afterwards. So worth it though, people came up to me afterwards saying how amazing it felt to shout out "We Are the Redeemed" and were asking when we've be doing the song again... though I think next time I may wuss out and play it like his band does live... Probably not, I'm insane like that.

Worship Team this week had Elizabeth, Bill, Ronnie, Jeremy, Anne and Myself, we were also joined by most of our vocal team, for We Shine.

I really think Salvation's Chorus connected, but I'm also super glad we did Mighty to Save, I don't think I've mentioned this to our worship team but at Drive I had an epiphany... (First of all I'm not sure if I spelled that right, and second of all I'm not sure if I'm using it in the right context) but while there I experienced worship so powerful that I felt it, I had tears running down the sides of my face and just felt God's presence in the worship, and right there I decided that I want other people to experience worship like that, it's an amazing feeling and one that I pray that people who worship with us at Lifepoint would feel. Mighty to Save is one of the Songs I think that does that so well, (As I almost didn't want to put it in the service).

... right there was more I wanted to say, but It's 1:30 in the AM and I wanted to go into work early tomorrow.

Remember to have fun while you're out there slogging through life (last week was a tough one) after all, isn't God the Author of Joy?

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