Monday, July 21, 2008

Set List 07/20/08

Our mission at Lifepoint is very simple, to reach people far from God so that they can experience His plan for his life.

(Short post this week, sorry)

As such every so often we have, what we refer to as a "Salvation Sunday", it's not that Pastor doesn't give a message to lead people to Christ every week, (far from it actually), it's just that every series (or every other series) we do our best to program a service to bring people to a place of decision. On weeks like these we are very particular on our worship sets, even more so than a normal (I'm not sure if that word ever applies to Lifepoint though) Sunday, and I've been known to spend hours planning those.

So with that in mind here's our set list:

Salvation is Here (Hillsong) - A nice fast paced worship song with an amazing bass line. (See Below)

Mighty to Save (Hillsong) - One of our favorite worship songs, because it's so true!

Performance Song: Renegade (Styx) - Okay this Rocked. Pure and simple.

Lift High (Eddie Kirkland) - The reason I picked last week to premier this song was so that it would be familiar to people for this week. An AMAZING worship(ful) song that has readily become one of my favorites.

Matt's (Busted) gear list: 1 Vic Firth HD2 Drumstick. (Yup, that's it!)

Band: Ronnie, Justin, Tom, Dave, Ricky, Me.
Tom did an awesome job leading worship, the man's got a vocal range that I still find amazing.
So who is Ricky? (As you'll note that this is his first appearance on the LC worship), Ricky it Bill's (One of our amazing bassists) son, who normally serves on the tech-team. And an amazing bassist, Salvation is here has (for worship music) one slick bass part and he nailed it, the kicker? Kid's been playing for 3 months.

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