Monday, August 11, 2008

Set List 08/03/08

Well yesterday was a different experience for me...

On occasion we'll do an "Acoustic" Worship set everyone seems to like them, and it gives set-up & Tear-down teams (not to mention myself) a bit of a break.

The difference is this the first acoustic set that we've done where Elizabeth (our percussionist) was here to play. The last two acoustic sets ended with me being a big baby with bruised hands for a week or so. (Our percussionist had been on vacation for BOTH other times). The end result was I got to sit back and relax and enjoy the service... (Everyone in my department is now falling off their chairs and laughing as they all know full and well that I was not sitting back relaxing). Actually I did get to take part in most of the worship, and hear some of Pastor's message which was a very nice change, but one thing that I was able to do, which is something that I really should be doing more often is that I was able to observe the service. Reid over at North Point's Music Blog mentions this in his post this week, and I found it informative and convicting... now don't get me wrong I love to play, but as I found myself evaluating the serivce (And later told Pick about this) I came to the conclusion that I need to be off at the minimum of once (preferably twice, perhaps even more) a month to evaluate worship and what's going on the stage, as it's part of my job to protect the environment.

Okay, enough of that, let me get to the worship set:


Everlasting God: (Chris Tomlin) - We normally do the Todd Fields/North Point Arrangement of this song, but as it was an acoustic set, I'm not sure how to label it.

Lift High: (Eddie Kirkland) - As amazing as this song is with the full band, I think it's everybit as powerful, perhaps more so in an acoustic set.

My Romance: (Rick Pino - Jesus Culture Arrangement) - Generally I try not to introduce more than one song at any given week, but Mia (Who was leading Worship this week) brought this song to me asking if we could do it, after experiencing it on Sunday morning I'm so glad I said yes, this song was annointed!

God of this City: (Andrew McCann, Boyd Aaron, Ian Jordan, Peter Comfort, , Peter Kernaghan, Richard Bleakley... We did the Passion'08 arrangement of the song) Our "theme" worship song for this series.

Worship Team this week was: Mia (Worship Leader), Tammie (BGV), Tim (BGV), Bill (Bass), Justin (Acoustic Guitar), Ronnie (Acoustic Guitar), Dave (Piano) and Elizabeth (Percussion).

Matt's busted gear list this week: None as I wasn't playing.

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